Menopausal, insomniatic, romantic, left handed,right brained & more than likely a bit ADD. Mother of two whom have left the nest.
I live in a little 90 something bungalow in a Historic district, with a heck of a commute to work (3blocks, all down hill.!!
Share my cozy home with 4 critters.Two dogs-Golden Retriever and Black lab & two Tuxedo kitties. They see fit to let me decorate however I choose and never question what's in the bags I bring home-unless it appears to be edible or squeaky.
The whole blog/art thingy started kind of by accident a couple years ago-it has just grown exponentially!Love it ALL,,women I've met, and trying new things! Not getting rich selling my creations, but again, it has grown exponentially and I have product in several shops in Washington-Too fun!
NOT doing Etsy right now, BUT if you see something you like, let me know, Happy to make something special.
Thanks for stopping by!
Who says the Male of the species get all the pretty plummage?
This crown was inspired from the feathers of a Peacock. Rich Blues, Violets and Greens accent the muted Gold finish. Embellished with Ribbons, feathers, gems and German Buillion.
Available at Joyworks, or see my sidebar for Etsy link.
Flocks of Birds...
Bird *stickers*, actually. I ordered quantities of stickers of the
cardinals and mama robin with nest that I designed for my two previous bird
Cottage Majolica for Spring in the Garden Room
*Do you all have any green popping up where you live?*
Not much going on here with green outdoors, but inside I've been bringing
some green things togeth...
Hiking to Josef's Table
Are you ready to hike? Cap, hiking stick, backpack with water (and
emergency items), camera, comfortable clothing, hiking shoes and phone?
OK, let's par...
Can Spring Be Far Behind?
The Brooklyn Botanic Garden two Sundays ago
It was above freezing two Sundays ago, though you wouldn't know it from the
ice on the pond. Yesterday was so...
A little chance to do some painting
A friend posted a back to school photo of her and her mini me. It was a
perfect little snapshot of joy. I loved it so much, I just had to do a
quick mixed ...
Friday favorites & some exciting news!
*Hello and happy Friday my friends!*
*I have some very exciting news to share with you all, so be sure to read
this post in it's entirety. *
*I am going...
New Branding and A New Moda Fabrics Family Member
Because I spend so much time on Instagram, a little less on my Facebook
page, and then write the occasional email newsletter, I tend to lag a bit
in blogg...
A new "Breast Cancer Awareness Nest"...
*the month of pumpkins, acorns, scary costumes,"trick or treat".... and all
things orange.*
*And also PINK.*
*October is Breast Cancer Awaren...
D.I.Y. Cannon
I have always wanted to try my hand at making a cannon. Weird, I know...
but when you have a pirate themed backyard it is on your list of "must
haves." Thi...
Long time no see!
Hello my blogging friends! It’s been waaaay too long since I’ve visited
Blogland! I feel like all I do is work! And while it’s wonderfully fun, and
I am v...
Share Your Style #189
Good evening everyone and welcome to Share Your Style 189! I'm Carol from
The Red Painted Cottage and I'll be your host tonight. I hope everyone had
a fab...
Easing Into The Season
Trader Joe's helped me finish the Halloween decorating.
They have wonderful brooms scented with cinnamon.
My front door area is completely covered.
Faux Meerschaum Ornaments
If you have been following me for very long you may have remember where I
did a post about making the best molds and castings? Well I spent some time
in my...
"Just Not A Good Day Unless It Is A Creative One"
Burlap luxe Home And Art
Burlap Luxe
"Just Not A Good Day Unless It Is A Creative One"
My latest created design,
botanic gar...
Gosh It has been 5 years since I have posted anything.
So much has happened.
I don't even know where to begin.
How about ...
Hello, I am doing gr...
Are you into the Rae Dunn craze???
Are you into the Rae Dunn craze??? Or, have you been in the dark about
the Rae Dunn madness or are you not interested at all???
If you are on Instagram, t...
Published, Spring 2017 Where Women Create
Well finally!
It's high time that I shared my contribution to
the Spring 2017 issue
of Where Women Create Magazine...
more specifically, the feature st...
Liberate Your Art 2017
Once again I have been participating in Kat Sloma's of Kat Eye
Studio's"LIBERATE YOUR ART swap.
The idea is to turn your art/photography into post cards...
The Great Junk Hunt - Official Video Release
Here is a good look at the market that started it all! The Great Junk Hunt
in Puyallup started in a small gym and has grown to over 30,000 sq. ft. at
the W...
August 20th
Today is our sons birthday. I can't even begin to tell you how proud we
are of him and the man he's become. Time flies from him having been this
little ki...
First Snow & Valentine Vignette
We woke up to our first real snow of the season this morning.
Just enough to be an inconvenience for those traveling during rush hour.
And it will b...
Lovelies from the Archive No. 2
(Updated 12/30/22)
Although these items have all sold, these gorgeous supplies are too pretty
to not share.
You can find our current selection ...
It's the happiest time of the year. The weather is cooling down and the
leaves are falling. I'm so excited to share with you lots a...
Banana Pudding Pie
Banana Pudding Pie
I have been craving comfort food lately. Maybe it is the change of the
seasons. The cooler nights. Whatever it is, Banana Pudding Pie...
An Evening of Vintage Glamour Sale & Soiree
It only happens once a year!
*20 % off Vintage & Antiques*
15th Anniversary Pre- Sale and Soiree, Friday, September 18th | 5-9pm
Enjoy an evening of...
If Mamma Ain't Happy, Ain't Nobody Happy!
The Cranky Queen took a trip west for about 5 days ("west" meaning
approximately five hours from the Birmingham, AL area) to her home town of
Tallulah, LA...
Get Ready for our Annual
French Inspired Flea Market.
This year we are excited to have a new Venue,
*"Hidden Meadows Estates"*
in Snohomish.
June 19th, a...
It's a bright beautiful day today on Earth Day and as promised, I took some
pictures of my backyard garden today. We used vintage windows that had
been r...
Friday Fun!!!
*WOOHOO! Y'all! Some FRIDAY FUN!!!*
*CELEBRITY STYLE with a LiL' help from Lipstick Gypsy Designs!!! Thanks
for showin' LG the LOVE, peeps!!! xoxo*
This is a Goodbye Message
Today we come to you with saddened hearts.
This is our last post at Inspiration Avenue.
We four have so many things going on that we have decided to bring...
The Purr Therapy Giveaway!
Hello my dear friends! Seems like ages since we have visited and way to
long since my last giveaway. If you read my last post or can even remember
that ...
My Nature's Blessings Journal
I joined Karla's Nature's Blessing Journal page swap and I received the
journal and worked on it all week, my love of nature is Flowers and
Birds. I rea...
Where Bloggers Create Studio Tour!
I've been soooo looking forward to this event... Thank you so much Karen
for all of your effort to make this happen. You won't want to miss the
other fa...
Summer whimzy at Whimsical Whites
We love how bright and cheery our shop is in the Summer...
Lots of flowers and pretty walk away bouquets daily..
Check out these huge birds nest we've...
Lisbon and a Wedding
A few months ago I traveled back to Lisbon to attend my niece's wedding.
Let's say it was one of the hardest traveling experiences I have ever had.
It's a Marshmallow World in the Winter.....
Hello + Hello!
" Oh it's a marshmallow world in the winter....take a walk with my favorite
My favorite girl happens to be:
She's my 11 ...
Fun with Beads
I took a break from Christmas Prep today to play with some beads. The
colors were so soothing and pretty. It was just the break I needed.
Now..... Back to ...
Change is Good/A New Name
After thinking a long time, I decided to change my business name to Pretty
Old Things. Still love me some roses, but the new name goes with both of
the C...
Simple Fun
We are enjoying our summer,
loving the HOT weather.
The kids know how to cool off.
It's about helping each other stay cool.
The fancier resorts have s...
Happy February!
Hello Beautiful friends!!!
I can't believe it is all ready February!
This year is moving fast!
Just wanted to pop on, and say Hello!
I will be working on...
2013 - ch-ch-ch-changes -
This past year has been a big year of change for us!!
BIG CHANGE - Selling our homes and moving to Arizona.
I find I no longer have the time or drive for a...
Wonderful Handmade U!
I am a bit slow in telling you all about the wonderful time I had at
Handmade U...and a bit slower at finishing my projects, but my, is there
anything more...
Sweater Days
It's a sweater day! my mother used to say, as she so wisely chose a
bulky knit from the chest of drawers, signalling the arrival of autumn.
This ...
Junk Bonanza Dreamin'
Junk Bonanza 2012 was amazing! Thanks to everyone that helped to make it
such great fun! On to planning our very first Spring event. Yep, 2 Junk
So many changes
Greetings It has been a long time since I have been here and so many things
have changed. In fact I hardly recognized the posting format, that mixed
with m...
Headboard In Place!
Hi all!! The new/old mantel is finally in place behind our bed. It took
some work, more than expected of course. I cleaned it with warm water and
tsp. The...
"Last night, my kids and I were sitting in the living room and I said to them, 'I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependant on some machine & fluids from a bottle. If that ever happens, just pull the plug.'
They got up, unplugged the computer and threw out my wine!
They are SO on my sh*t list!'"
Tuxie Kitty
Seemed like a good ideat at the time
I'm part of
A Swap for all seasons
Kodi my Golden Love
My big Sweetie
Click Play for a Slideshow of some of my Custom Items
Thanks Karen for all the wonderful Graphics you share!
Bungalow Bling Badge
Badge for Hot Blogust Nites
One World One Heart Event Begins Jan 25th, 2010
Is this a BAD sign?
It's a Full moon tonight and my son brought over takeout Chinese food. Should I take it as a BAD sign that my dog ate MY fortune cookie,,,,fortune and all???
Decided I'd love the Job!
Ever thought about applying for the job to be the one who gets to design the new words that we type into the security code boxes to get our posts through?
I think it would be a whoot! I think my first word would be geebitz or whrylstra or bezanorz.
What would YOU dream up?
Copyright Notification I ask that you please do not copy, reproduce, or otherwise use my photographs, images, logos, taglines, product names & descriptions, or text. All content on this blog is sole property of Bungalow Bling And Shelly Rollins, copyright 2009.
Oh My Goodness! Such wonderful plumage! I could prance around in this all day :)