If you've known me for a while, followed me here or on FB, you know that my Sister in Law Mary has been battling Cancer. And, the
Cancer is winning. During a visit yesterday my brother hugged me as I arrived, and after saying a word that I've never heard cross his lips, said,
"She's dying."
NO!! I cannot imagine my life without her. She's been in my life since I was 7. I'm not taking this well, to put it lightly. She is my life long confidant, my Junking/decorating friend, my Joker, my inspiration, my grounding, my heart.
I was blessed to have two friends with me yesterday when we journeyed for several hours to get to see her for 45 minutes or so. We didn't talk "
sick", we didn't talk Cancer and we most assuredly didn't talk
Since Mary has been sick, she's starting giving me Antique and Vintage stuff. When I filled my car with the first "Load" about a year ago, I was worried. Then boxes of things started coming in the months to follow. Her Antique Postcards. A Box FULL of Vintage Rhinestone jewelry. Books she knew I would love,,,,,,and yesterday she tucked a few things under my arms and gave me a heavy shoe box ,,,,which she said was full of "Buttons!"
When my friend Debi Burton and I were in the Ferry line to go home,,,,,,,I was already a mess. She's got nerve damage in her hand. (Which I held and massaged while we visited). The tumor is back on her spine and no chemo or experimental drugs have helped. And my brothers words kept ringing in my ears. "She's dying."
After boxes and cars full of glorious treasures,,,,,,some of which she and I found together and I KNOW how much she loved them,,,,,,(And I knew how much she knew I would love them) I sat there with Debi in the Ferry line with this box on my lap. A French Pillow case on top. (No, she never got to go.) And underneath that,,,,,,,a single postcard.
And I lost it all over again!! She'd already sent me near 100 Antique postcards,,,,,,,for every season, for every reason,,,,,,,and this one tucked amongst the contents broke my heart!!!
Oh Sweet Sweet Mary,,,,,,,I will
Always remember you!! And HOW are we going to live without you???
If you're read this far, thank you.
Yeah.....I'm a mess. And I'm glad I got a visit yesterday. And I am SO thankful that I had friends with me to help hold me together!
Debi Burton and her Sister Peggy. |
Pretty "Stuff" is great. But family and friends are the "glue of life!" We need to stick together when things start falling apart.
We move on,,,,,,one Day, one Week, one Month at a time. Some days? One Breath, one memory, ond moment at a time.
Keep us in your prayers if you will. We are broken.
Hugs, Love and a "remembered" Bus,