Friday, October 29, 2010

Ackkkkkkkkk! I can't even stand it! Best in Western Washington!!!

I JUST got off the phone with my dear friend Annie,,,,,,This award makes me SO Happy! I So love Annie and All the girls in her shop! They were nominated, and WON..via the Voters..."Best in Washinton Antiques........" Shut UP!

Are you kidding me? Of ALL our Antique shops, Locally And in the likes of Seattle, Tacoma, ......Sumner, et, al. Annie's Won! Well Duh!

They have a bit of this, a bit of that,,,,,and I'm So happy they won! Love All of you Girls and Congrats......Annie, Mary, and their "Crew." You girls are ALL the Best!!!

Hugs, love, a "Bus" on the Cheek and Congrats!!!!!!!! I'm SO, SO happy! for YOU All!  YOU SO deserve it!

(Next year,,,,we're going to have to find a category for Joyworks) How in the World, to you find a "spot/slot" for That?

1 comment:

  1. You my friend are such a sweetheart for doing such a great congradulatory post for Annie's shop.
    What a great post it is and I would love to see her shop along with yours.
    I am going to do that too one of these days. Just waiting on the ole back to heal. Everytime I see a little RV or something for us to travel in I smile. lol
    Dreams do come true honey
    Love ya


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