Thursday, October 14, 2010

Happy "Cake Day" to Moi!

Today is my "Happy Cake Day" as my blogfriend Lulu is known to say! In fact, she started my morning off with a dear phone call!

My youngest, Andrew, brought me a bouquet of gorgeous autumn colors!
Gorgeous Mums and both Peruvian and Day lillies!

My Oldest, Sean, and I had breakfast at Snohomish Bakery and we were "treated!" Too sweet! (I update their "faux" wedding cake in the front window periodically-freshens things up for them and I get a bit of PR)

I spent most of the day crafting and sewing for the show while Sean was out in the garage STILL sanding furniture for "Ruffles and Rust" which is just a week away now! Ackkkk!

Rita and I at Joyworks, have shared our Birthday Celebrations in the last 5 years or so. We're exactly a week apart! (My whole week makes me SO much wiser and as you can imagine as she continually lets me KNOW,,,So much Older!
So,,,I'm thinking they'll be another "Cake Day" ahead!

I went downtown this afternoon and picked up a dozen MINI cupcakes.....

I was parked by my dear friend Annie's shop, so I went in and let her choose a "sweet." Just as I was leaving, my friend and Event Sponsor, Timi of "Ruffles and Rust" came in and I shared a bit of my "Cake Day" joy with her as well!

I was GOING to stop in Joyworks and share with my coworkers,,,,,,but the shop looked SWAMPED! There was NO parking anywhere! Sorry Girls! I'll treat another day! After all,,,,,I think "Cake Day" is good for several weeks!

Hope you all had a good day too!

Hugs, Love and a "Bus!"


  1. Happy Birthday, Shell! Birthdays are meant to stretch at least a week! Glad you're making the most of yours.

  2. Hi Shelley! If you send me your addy, I will send ya a little something! If you aren't comfortable with that, may I send it to Joyworks?

  3. Happy Birthday!!! Hope you had a GREAT day!!! You deserve it!

  4. Happy Birthday dear Shelly...Happy Birthday to you!
    Big Hug,
    Deb ;)

  5. Happy Birthday!
    Amy,Rita,and I were thinking about you today on your birthday and sending you out good wishes...I guess you didn't get them since you didn't stop by with those cupcakes... :)

  6. Aw Happy Cake Day Shell - sorry I forgot what yesterday was. However, you KNOW that once you're of a certain age (and we won't mention what that is) you get to celebrate FOR A WHOLE MONTH! So Happy October/November Cake Days!!! LOL

  7. wow Happy Birthday, it sounds like so much fun!! good for you!!! you deserve it all... and more cupcakes for everyone! Have a great rest of the day... relaxing (ha ha) I mean sanding!

  8. Hey Shelly, Happy Belated! Sorry I missed your call the other night. Please don't think we forgot about you at Joyworks, hee!hee! We have something very special planned for you and Rita :o)

  9. GREAT - what a lousy friend I am - I missed your birthday! Is it too late to send BIRTHDAY wishes to my dear friend? Is it still OK if I just manage to get the wishes in on the same MONTH!! NO matter - I am making a record of it and I WON'T miss it next year!

    Hugs my friend - I hope you had the best birthday ever!



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