My Shadow Girl tore a claw last Friday at the Beach, so we took a little trip to the Vet today- a little "Girl Time," if you will. She needed to have her nails "done."....
I had called the clinic on Friday, but they were booked and so I monitored her for fever, took it easy on the walks and Kodi, my Golden Retreiver? Took private jaunts with my Tenant, &aka "3rd son" Frankie. I waited, because I love my Vet!
I've been pretty fortunate that all 4 of my critter's have been pretty healthy, but when I do need to take one of them, he's "old school". A "Dr. Harriet" (All Creatures Great.....) of sorts if you will, right here in little Snohomish!
Shadow in "Possum" attack Mode
How can you NOT love a Vet that gets down on HIS "all fours" and says, "What a NICE dog, What a GOOD dog!" All the while giving her a good scratch! I'm sure he's happily married and probably 15 years my senior,,,,,but I love this man!
Shadow got her paw tended to and I'm sure the Hot Dog "Bites" that I'll stick her Antibiotics in will be no hardship to get down! So, she and I had a little "girl" time today,,,,,
I don't do a TON of Halloween, but I usually make a bit to sell at Shows or in Joyworks.
Candy cones, Hats, Flags/birds and well DUH,,,,,,A "Fascinator!"
Marla, my muse, was glad to be out of the Closet and Modeling once again!
Sorry, not the best pic!
Honestly? If you've gotten this far in this post, then you probably follow my blog pretty regularly or when you do stop in, take the time to read it. Sure, when we post-- the header goes up, a few pictures follow, some bloggers look and some dear blog friends read on. So that said,,,,,I need some help/some insight.
If you've been following my blog as of late, you know that I spend time with little Helen, 91, my mom's BF. Our interations have increased tremendously since she was hospitalized with a dog bite-getting out of bed in the middle of the night and stepping on her best friend. ...She got an infection.
In the last several weeks, she has quit driving and I take her on her errands. Doc/Pharmacy/Pet store/Bank/Grocery store. And I do NOT mind doing this. She says she doesn't want to be a burden, and I tell he she isn't. BUT......she has taken to calling me 10-12 times a day.
I finally set what I thought were new "boundries" several days ago and told her that I WILL call her at 9:00am every day,,,,AND, on Wednesday's we will do her shopping/errands/appts and have lunch together. I thought if we had a pre-arranged time, it would cut down on the phone calls. I talk to her for a half an hour or so with each call.....And I DO love her and it saddens me that her family doesn't seem to be present. ......
She tells me that if she didn't have ME, she doesn't know how she could go on..........
My phone rings and I cringe, truth be told. I feel Awful now that I don't answer each and every call. I'm going to take her to the senior ctr this week and have lunch with her there in hopes that she expresses ANY interest in returning or meeting people there. I KNOW we need to take care of our elderly. My own mom lived behind me in the little Cottage that is now a rental and I saw her and talked to her daily.
Truly? I am praying about this, and,,here asking for any insight or guidance from all of you.
I truly DO love her and want to help,,,,But my life is SO disrupted right now-, I don't feel like I have my OWN life anymore.
Comments and suggestions, my dear blog friends??? I'd truly love your help and any insight or words of Wisdsom!
I know I'm not my usual "Cheery," happy go lucky self. My "Plate" is leaden right now!Thanks for any support& Ideas.
Hugs,,,,,,BIG HUGS if you've read thus far, Love,,,,,,,because many of you give me strength and hope and a Big BUS On the Cheek through my tears and frustrations!
It's truly hard to set boundaries sometimes because the person doesn't "hear" what you are saying. I know what it's like to cringe each time the phone rings! We have a neighbor that is like matter what we said, she was calling constantly. After not answering a good portion of her calls, she finally got the hint and has backed off calling. I know the situation is different though with your Mom's BF. You might gently tell her that you have missed some of her calls because you are busy and are trying to fit in all the things you need to get done. It's truly hard, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteI hope Shadow is much better!!!
It just seems your time to join the 'no choice but to...' club right now deary. I've been there for several years with my stepfather and it's getting worse and worse - and I'm 3 hours away from him. No support up where he lives and I'm it. Today after a tough day at work, I called to see if the cleaning lady (a whole other very long frustrating story) had shown up this morning. Well to make a long story short, although she called him last night to tell him it would be after 3 before she could make it, today when she got there he wouldn't let her in because it was "after 3" and made another appt for next week. There goes my $80 (I'm paying because he wouldn't have it done if I left it up to him) and said cleaning lady drove over 30 minutes to get to his house - I don't blame her a bit that she will probably count that as a cleaning trip - I would too. Urghhhh! All I can tell you is tough through it - it won't last forever and really - what choice do you have?