Thanks for the well wishes on the Headache yesterday! I STILL had one most of today, as well, but the weather was SO gorgeous this afternoon, I just tried to tuck it away!
I didn't manage to take any pictures today,,,,so I thought I'd plug my friend Debra's upcoming Blog Event(s) and borrow a picture! If the weather holds,,,,as it SHOULD tomorrow,,,,I think I'll head to one of our great local farms and pick up a few pumkins and gourds!
I borrowed this Image from Debra and Common Ground! Too pretty! I don't think she'll mind if I ALSO post her Blog Events on my Sidebar! ---------------------------> Check it OUT!
I SO wish I would have had my camera when my son Sean and I took the dogs to the local (Blackman's) Lake today! They had a great swim and Sean and I found a BIG stick, about 3ft long that they retreived together and brought in! "Kodak Moment" and moi, with no camera! Shortly thereafter I thought we were going to have to swim out and get Shadow, my black lab,,,,,,I swear she paddle halfway out in the lake after a pair of Mallards...........fortunately, it was all fun and games and both dogs got a good workout!
Afterwards, Sean and I came home and tackled some cubbies in the back of my house that were in GREAT need of pruning and cutting! Am I the only one that manages to have the birds and squirrels "Help" plant things in the yard? Nut trees, Blackberries, and even a "volunteer" Hawthorne tree! We spent a couple of hours getting rid of these "features." Ughhh and OUCH!
I was making a trip to the little mom and pop market for Cat food, when I discovered the Snohomish Farmer's Market was STILL going! I thought LAST week was the end of it, and LAST week it was pouring! Buckets! Still in my gardening clothes, I hesitated, because honestly? I know a lot of people in this little town after 30 years. And there is grubby,,,,,,,and then there is GRUBBY! And that was ME with a capital "G!"
But we're talkin' FRESHLY picked Organic tomatoes, the last of the Fresh Peaches from Yakima, the cutest little head of Red leaf lettuce and a baguette. Oh and a square of Spiced Apple Cake that I'll share with Sean when he gets home from the College tonight. HA! Life is too short!
This week FLEW BY! I cannot believe that were starting October already! If I get out and buy my pumpkins,,,,,,,I'll link to Debra's Event tomorrow night! Have a great weekend!
Hugs and Love,
February Artist Trading Cards...
The last of the February artist trading cards from the Handmade Treasures
swap arrived yesterday. These are all of them. One is a "coin", which is
also a...
19 hours ago