How's your week going? It sure seemed to go FAST!! Feels like Fall here now. I heard my first Canadian geese flying overhead last night. Wow!!
So,,,,,It's Friday? And you all pretty much KNOW what Shell does on a Friday this time of year!!! So here's some of my finds and a couple more lace Pumpkins,,,,,,
Acck! I found some great stuff today, including these Pixies and doll heads. I actually already HAVE one of these pixies in "Old Lady Pink." Fun to find these girls today and thought they looked kinda cute wrapped around the pumpkins that I haven't finished yet. Some fun old Doll heads, a sewing basket and a bit of "Bling."
Love the Austrian Crystals and always Vintage pearls.......
Normally, I rely on the "Junk Fairies" to guide me in the right direction when I'm out looking for Estate/Garage sales,,,but today maybe it was the "Junk Pixies" because when I was JUST ready to head home around 3, I got that "Nudge" that I was supposed to go to ONE more sale........And I found all of THIS
I know I get a bit nutty about this kind of thing, BUT Look at all this Vintage goodness! Ballerina's, Bunnies, Spun Cotton doll heads, etc. Look at those little Christmas "tinies" in the bottom right hand corner...I've never seen any vintage embellishments THIS small!! All this stuff will be great for future projects. Thank you Junkin' Pixies!!!
Also found this Pink satin box, and old powder jar, vintage cards and some "Vintage" notions! Too Funny,,,,The flower appliques are from "House of Fabrics" where I worked when I was 17 and 18,,my first job. Yeah, I KNOW I'm Vintage too! HA!
And then.......
An old green suitcase, small illuminaire "Noel Candles," Some fun old Dominoes, birds and several old Classic Vinyl Records.
TIP: And finally, something I've learned? Give me a Garage/Patio sale in a Mobile Home Park over a fancy new home any day of the week! Those Seniors have a lot of Vintage goodness tucked under their carport!
Glass bead garlands, Crochet hangers and a fun embroidered Apron. Oh and some fun glass bottles I found when I left at the crack of black!
I ran into a couple of friends while out and about today! I'd been planning on going Junking w/ Deb Bock today and she's been having some health issues. Missed you today Deb!! Get Better!
Back to Joyworks tomorrow. We have TONS of new stuff in, so Stop by if you're local and see what's new for Fall!! Two Weeks until Island Chicks up in Anacortes, Can't wait!! Enjoy your weekend whatever you do!
Hugs, Love and a "Pixie" Bus!!!
(Linking to Debra's Event at Common Ground
DIY Recycled Tin Can Planters!
DIY Recycled Tin Can Planters Hello, Graphics Fairy friends! I’m Diana from
Dreams Factory, and I’m happy to be here again to share another DIY project
2 hours ago