I wish I had pretty things to show and share. I wish I could say that after my last post on Saturday, that things were better or easier. Those of you that follow me KNOW that even in the darkest of hours I am a "Glass half Full" kind of gal. A Polyanna, a idealist, and yes a survivor.
I had a huge loss on Sunday, a grief too deep and personal to share. And I had another huge Blow from a loved one the same day.
I will NOT give up, or give in. I will take each day and live it with strength and hope and when the burden is too heavy, I give it to God.
All too familiar with the expression, "I know God will not give me more than I can handle." And I think HE knows when I say, I cannot handle this and He does step in. Right now, I DO have more on my plate than I can handle, but I know HE is giving me the ability to cope, function and believe that "THIS TOO Shall Pass."
I hope and pray that these adversities will lead me to be more kind, more understanding, more forgiving and yes, even MORE Joyful, because I will appreciate the important times!
May you hold those you love a bit tighter, a bit closer, tell them you love them, appreciate them and share memories. All that little crap we think and worry about? It is NOTHING!! Let it go. Live/Love/Give/Forgive.
My Love and appreciation for you ALL! (Be patient with me for a while, I'm a bit broken)
March Classmate Dinner...
We had a larger group this month, and we celebrated the Birthday of one of
our group. Dan (center front in the blue plaid shirt) turned seventy.
Because ...
7 hours ago