After I posted on Wednesday nite about fundraising for Breast Cancer and Lyphoma? I took my dogs on a short walk and Fell. Hard. I skinned my knee, had gravel embedded in one palm and took a good "brunt" of it on my other hand. I Think I tripped over grass growing between the cement,,,,when I looked back and examined the "scene" the next day.......Two days later, yes, I'm a bit less sore,,,,,but still have a "lovely" prize on my right (my Good) Knee!
Anyway,,,,,,,,I took a road trip today and picked up some supplies,,,,,,,I spent the majority of my day in Redmond/Bellvue and the likes. Shew! I'm glad that I spend MOST of my time in a small town now........I hated the traffic!
So,,,,,,,,,I Have to share a stinkin Cute photo.....from my friend/client Emily of "Simply Sweet Cupcakes." They now have TWO shops here in Snohomish, but Emily has also been doin' the "Snohomish Farmer's Market" Gig Every Thursday........All Summer and into Fall, which ended last Evening........Check out these "Customers!"
I share my "wares" aka Birthday Hats that I recently made for "Simply Sweet." But this is a Photo opp I had to Share! "Where's my Cookie, Mom?"
Hope YOU have a good weekend ahead! Drop me a note or comment,,,,,,I'm starting to feel like maybe I shouldn't have/post a blog anymore.........The only comment's I get are on Facebook! I love you All,,,,,and have caught up a BIT........But should I keep blogging? I wonder...........
Hugs, Love and a Happy Bus nonetheless,
March Classmate Dinner...
We had a larger group this month, and we celebrated the Birthday of one of
our group. Dan (center front in the blue plaid shirt) turned seventy.
Because ...
7 hours ago