Just home from Working at Joyworks today (Sunday) and finally gearing down after the "Island Chicks" Show in Anacortes yesterday!
We had a Great Show! I think everyone had a good time! Here are a few photos from my little booth...
Mostly neutrals, aqua and "old Lady Pink."
Had a stack of Vintage Suitcases,,,,,with a vignette in the top one.............
some headbands/fabric rosette's and Vintage jewelry.............
Fabulous Show!! I had SO much fun, on So many levels and went home with a LOT less than you see here!!
Perhaps I should have waited to post when I was a bit LESS tired,,,,,,,,but have a busy week ahead around HOME and working on my Fall Event, " A Scoop of Vintage!" Can't wait to share more with you all!!!
Before I end this post, I have to say that MOST of what made this event SO amazing, were the people!! The best Promoters for the show! (Jo and Jackie), the Amazing Vendors that worked SO hard, the Food that was Fabulous for US and the shoppers (Gere-a Deli) The great Friends that stopped by, shopped and Supported us All!! And for me, most of all, my dear friend Linda Jensen, who "had my back," made me laugh, thought of things that I'd forgotten, took charge at times AND helped me with anything I needed help with!! I am Blessed to call her "Friend!"
(On our way home, in the Skagit Valley, Linda, My "Rock Star" friend!!)
Happy Trails...........hope you are all well!!
Hugs, Love and a "Chickie" Bus!!
March Classmate Dinner...
We had a larger group this month, and we celebrated the Birthday of one of
our group. Dan (center front in the blue plaid shirt) turned seventy.
Because ...
7 hours ago