Monday, February 6, 2012

What a GREAT Teaser! Gorgeous Day ,,,Perfect for starting a few Spring Things!

I got up before Sunrise, but it looked to be a gorgeous day! And I wasn't disappointed,,,,,,,60' Somethin' in February??? Wowza!  And the skies were blue and clear!

So,,,I did a bit of this, a bit of that,,,,,and spent some time working on a few "Spring-like items." If you've stopped in lately, you know I've been making wreaths out of Natural toned moss,,,,,so today, was a great day-with all the birds chirping and "flitting" here and there, to make some Nests!

Neutrals, with hints of pink and Green..........

These are not as elaborate or multi-textured as my friend Vicki's-which are sensational,,,,,,but it was fun to work with the different textures,,,,,,,

Hints of Aqua in this one........

I enjoyed adding a "titsch" of feathers,,,,,here and there......
(Boss Clarice at Joyworks introduced me to that word,,,,,,,and sometimes it's just "Right!")
Kind of like a "Smidgeon," only Better!
"A titsch of cinnamon, a titsch or ribbon."

One more nest today,,,,,,,with "golden eggs."

And last week, I swore NO MORE Valentines,,,,,,,,but I already had this heart shaped wreath ready,,,,,,so? It was fun to add some "Spring" to it! I figured, even though it's heart shaped, it'll work for any Season!

Flowers, Eggs, Mushrooms-Pinks/Aqua a feather tucked here and there.......

These items are coming with me to the Second Saturdayz show this coming weekend
(See sidebar for Seattle Show info).

I'm also re-thinking Etsy. I did it for a while,,,,and then got "busy." And now I'm thinking Maybe I should post stuff for sale again........if you have any input one way or another, let me know! Here or Via email.......

Sidebar: My little Helen (92yo) had laser eye surgery today,,,,,,,I hope you'll keep her in your thoughts and prayers as her eyesight has affected EVERY aspect of her life,,,,,physically AND emotionally! Let's hope today will make enough of a difference that she can remain in her OWN little home,,,,,with her fur-baby, "Mikey," her Pom.....Give her a BIT more of her independence back!

Hope your week is starting of GREAT! Mine has!

Hugs, Love and a "Bus" on the Cheek- filled with the promises of Spring and new beginnings!


  1. The weather here has been incredible too! 60's last week and today it was 54. It's normally in the teens or 20's here now and usually we are blanketed by snow!! I am not complaining though....I am so ready for Spring!

    Love the sweet nests!


  2. Shell- I Love your heart wreath!! Are you taking custom orders?


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