A day or two after Christmas, I picked up a copy of "Victoria" Magazine,,,,which, I love. There was a letter from a Reader, regarding the New Year, which, truly, grabbed and seized my heart. I certainly don't know the author of said letter, but it was Jennifer Farnes of University Place, Washington. But,,,truth be known, Jennifer and I are "cut from the same cloth," so to speak.....I so identified with her letter!
And here, I wanted to share it with all of you. To quote her letter to"Victoria" Magazine:
"Every January 2nd, my birthday, I sat with pen in hand to write my goals and resolutions for the coming year. Despite having had the best of intentions, however, I never quite managed to keep them, as they lost importance throughout the ups and downs of the subsequent twelve months. All too quickly I was back sitting at my desk the following year, often repeating the very same aspirations.
Then, one birthday I realized how poinless this was--writing down things I never managed to achieve or achieved to a lesser degree than I had hoped. The futility and the frustration I felt had to do with the cataclysmic event: the death of our 11-year-old son, who was whisked abruptly from our lives in a car accident. I reflected on how fragile life is and that such a precious gift might be taken from us at any moment.
And then I marveled at what a treasure each day is and understood that if I look hard enough, learn from it, and move through it with joy, and, yes, bliss, that would be resolution enough. If I gather my family around me and tell them every day how much they are loved, that, too, would be resolution enough. If I take a few moments each day to really look at the beauty of this world and its creations, that resolve will take flight in me and swiftly turn to appreciation. I cannot count on another day being given to me; I cannot assume I will wake up or that others I love deeply will awaken each day. As a result, I have lived with resolve every moment of every day for the twenty years since my son died. I no longer make goals that stretch far into the future, but try to acheive, to learn, to wonder and to keep gratitude in my heart for each tender mercy. And I plant tulips in the autumn with the hope that when spring comes, I will be here to see them bloom. "
Thanks Jennifer, I couldn't have put it better. I have never lost a Child, but I too lost someone in a Car accident, My love, my dear Husband Karl. And, yes, it's been years now-that all happened back in 1994. But being abruptly widowed at 37 did teach me a few things. Many of which Jennifer expressed so eloquently. And, in recent years I've lost more loved ones than I care to count. My mom, other dear and cherished family members, friends and members of our little Community here in Snohomish.
So, this week?? In reflection, I read a post by my dear friend Jill, of "Untie the Ribbons."untieribbons.blogspot.com "Eleven 2011 Intentions."
(I stole her header) Well,,,,kinda. Posting it here! Great Concept Jill! Love all of yours! And here, are mine,,,,,
MY Eleven 2011 intentions,,,,,,what are YOURS???
1) Carpe Diem.....Live each day to it's best!
2) Have a "Good China" Gathering.....Break out the priceless Meissen and have a Girls luncheon SOON! That Priceless China isn't doing anyone any favors in a cabinet display! Share it, use it! If it breaks or chips, it's worth it, if shared with dear friends!!!
3)Stay in better Contact with Family and Friends -Remind them ALL, always, how much they mean to me!
4) Travel a bit more,locally and further---(Starting with Trip in March to Atlanta to meet friend my Dear Blog friend Jill) And plan trips to meet OTHER Blogfriends I've connected with,,,here in Washington, and beyond! I have SO loved meeting so many new faces, creative women THIS year,,,,,,I want to meet more!
5)Plan another trip to Europe to see Family AND explore NEW Countries-Italy and Greece.
6) Buy a Better Camera and LEARN how to take better photos!! (Maybe this needs to come BEFORE my trips/Visits!
7) Learn new Art techniques....try new stuff, make new stuff, learn from others....
8) Do MORE shows, attend classes as finances permit!
9) Think about selling house(s) in town and relocating somewhere less expensive with MORE acreage!
10) Always, Always, Always, tell Family and Friends-both Near and Far,,,,,,How much I love and appreciate them! Like I do All of YOU! Thank you for becoming a part of my life,,,,,,,,big or Small! I look forward to getting to know you all a BIT more next year. May you find happiness in the important things, overlook the little things and, like me.........
11) Consult your Dogs and Cats about ALL of the above.......
Love, Big Hugs and a Noisy old Bus on the Cheek for the New Year to you all!
Welcome March ~What‘cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~the Little Things that Make
me Smile
It’s been nearly a week since we said Hello to March.
She came in like a gentle Lamb, however a couple days later,
Mother Nature had other ideas
and sent u...
5 hours ago